The Born Again Movement (BAM) is devoted and committed to leading souls into the Kingdom of God through a new birth experience as conveyed by the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and recorded in the Apostle John's Gospel 3:7, "You must be born again to enter into the Kingdom of God."
Our co-mMission is too share the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that after hearing the word of truth, which is the gospel of your salvation; and having believed from the heart, you receive the gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of promise.
Our Vision is to see the poor in spirit, the broken-hearted, oppressed, the lost and the blind reconciled back to God, and growing in the knowledge of God as children of God, and to demonstrate the good, acceptable and perfect will of God, which is the righteousness of God.
Our Declaration is to proclaim the unconditional love of God toward all, that by Him and in Him we have forgiveness of sins through the ONE time offering of God's only Son, Jesus Christ, as the substitutionary sacrifice for the sin(s) of the world, so we would have life.
In order to understand the born again experience, we must first understand who we where before the fall of mankind. From there, who we became as a result of one man's disobedience, and next, and most important, what God did to reconcile us back to Himself. Finally, what our required response should be in order to become children of God, thereby having peace with God and inheriting eternal life with God, FOREVER.
Who We Become - Coming Soon!